[sysvinit-devel] New set of stable releases
Jesse Smith
2018-11-23 20:38:40 UTC
I am happy to announce the release of new versions of SysV init (2.92),
insserv (1.18.0) and startpar (0.61). Originally I'd planned to hold off
on these until the end of the year, but with the help of some Debian and
Devuan developers, a number of important issues got addressed quickly
and we'd like to get the new versions out the door.

There has been just one change to SysV init since the beta was published
last week: a patch was added to allow init to compile and run on GNU
Hurd. This patch should not have any run-time effect.

The new versions can be downloaded from here:

Please report any bugs upstream here:

Or to the SysV init mailing list:

A complete list of changes that have been implemented since the last set
of stable releases can be found below. These are all the same as the
beta releases last week, with the exception of the GNU Hurd patch
mentioned above.

- Jesse

SysV init 2.92 changes

    * The shutdown and init commands were using different default delays
      sending processes SIGTERM and SIGKILL - they were 3 and 5 seconds,
      Unified these on 3 seconds, using a new defined value in init.h.
      Updated shutdown manual page to reflect the change and better explain
      how -t and -n flags work.
      Updated the init manual page with the new default value.
      The updated documentation resolves Debian bug #375274.
    * Remove PC speaker beep from shutdown process in dowall.c.
      Closes Debian bug #614893.
      Patch provided by Andreas Fackler.
    * Removed unused Version variable from wall.c.
    * Updated halt/reboot manual page to acknowledge the -i
      flag may not properly shut down network interfaces if the interface
      does not have an IP address.
      Addresses Debian bug #361935.
    * Applied patch from Daniel Povey which should allow killall5/pidof to
      avoid locking up if it encounters stopped or zombie processes
      due to broken NFS mount points.
      This should allow Debian bug #719273 to be closed.
    * Applied patch from Regid Ichira to clarify shutdown command
      line options. Updated manual page for shutdown.
      Closes Debian bug #630661.
    * shutdown command was setting environment variable INIT_HALT to
      "POWERDOWN", this should have been "POWEROFF" as specified in the
      manual page. Fixed code to match manual page and init scripts.
      Closes Debian bugs #717531 and #590895
    * Added -l flag to "last" command. When used it allows "last" to
      display usernames longer than 8 characters long.
    * Added -q and -Q flags to shutdown command to make the "system is
going down"
      message appear less often. The -q flag causes messages to only
appear at the
      10 minute, 5 minute and x-hour intervals.
      The -Q flag maintains complete silence up until the final "now"
    * Mention GRUB as a potential boot loader in init page since LILO is
      rarely used anymore, outside of Slackware.
    * Swapped out ECHOPRT for ECHOE in stty settings when init brings up
      emergency console. Should make backspace-erasing characters work
      more naturally.
      Closes Debian bug #402847.
    * Updated src/Makefile to make sure we build all the software before
      attempting to install.
    * Removed typos from pidof manual page and killall5 page.
      Closes Debian bugs #815839, #905245 and #890478
    * Added -f <format> option to pidof program to allow printf
      style formating.
      Closes Debian bug #571590
      Thanks to Philipp Marek for the patch.
    * Added new tool (readbootlog) which will read the /var/log/boot file
      produced by bootlogd. The output is displayed cleaned up so there
      are no control characters. This avoids the need to use sed or related
      tools to try to clean up the contents of the log.
    * Added manual page for readbootlog program. Updated bootlogd page
      to reference it. Closes Debian bug #725123.
    * Updated the shutdown manual page to try to make it more clear
      where we are talking about an initscript called halt or the halt
      program. Likewise whether we are talking about the shutdown process
      or the specific shutdown program.
      Should address Debian bug #374039.
    * Added patch from Samuel Thibault to make project compile
      on Hurd branch of Debian.
insserv 1.18.0 changes

- Added ability to run --dry-run and --show-all in addition to
  the existing --dryrun and --showall options.
  Closes Debian bug #580773
- Fixed compiler warnings when unused variables are defined in listing.h

startpar 0.61 changes

* Applied signal patch from Petter Heinholdtsen which should avoid
  masking SIGINT to services.
  Addresses Debian bug #679630
* Applied patch from Francis Russell which should greatly speed up
  make-style dependency checking in startpar (Fracis's test
  suggest patch causes just 0.25% number of loop/dependency checks
  compared to original.)
  This should close Debian bugs which report startpar is bailing
  out when checking dependencies.
  Addresses Debian bugs #609959 and #696359.
* Documented -f flag.
  Should address Debian bug #763703.
* Documented -e flag.
* Made minor source adjustments so that startpar will compile and
  run on FreeBSD.
